Saturday, November 19, 2005

TTU vs. OU Gameday

Alright, I admit it after a long year of racing I haven't spent much time working on my alcohol tolerance, hence I was drunk after three beers. After getting a ride home and passing out at two (yes not only am I a cheap drunk but I am in bed before the bars actually close) I woke up to get ready and go to Tech's last game of the year, unfortunately it started at 11:00am. That could possibly be the main reason that only Chelsea, Stephen, and I made it to the game out of everyone at the bar last night.

But apparently there were a lot of people who didn't go out last night since the stadium was at capacity with 52,000 people (1/4 the entire pop of Lubbock), either that or there were a lot of people with hangovers.

I could go over a play by play of one of the most exciting games I have ever witnessed, but if you want to know what happened beyond the fact of Tech winning go to ESPN.

Howeve, our victory was not to be celebrated on the field with the players, at least that was the tone they set by taking down the collapsible goalposts before we could, and lining the entire field with state troopers. 100 State Troopers vs. 52,000 crazy fans the odds sound great for rushing the field and not getting caught, but spending the rest of the day in a jail cell did not sound like fun, and anyways I have to get up early tomorrow to ride, at least that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.

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