Saturday, November 18, 2006

Road Trip to Texas

Here's how its going so far.

The drive through west Texas around Lubbock hasn't gotten any better since the last time I did it while going to Tech. All of the sudden I feel really old saying "back in the day when I went to college." The only scenery along the drive is a few wind farms up on the canyons.

After visiting some old college friends and just some friends that are old (sorry Cranfill) we hit San Antonio to see Brad. We ate good food and walked along the River Walk and did the tourist thing at the Alamo.
SA is good but Austin is better. We saw the capital building and enjoyed the scene on 6th street.
Its been fun so far being the tourist in places you grew up in and never had the chance to see them but today we head to Fredericksburg to see my parents :)

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