Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day

Yesterday, was a long day. Up early to walk the dog. Then got to cooking, now I know why my mom was up at 4am every holiday morning.

With everything going on I forgot to take a before pic of the turkey, but it wasn't in one piece very long.

We all took turns just ripping into it.
Then the vast amounts of tryptophan took its toll and we all hit the couch for some football and naps.

Awe, so cute.

Awe, so cu..... not so much, just me and the dog.

After our naps Mr. Pink and I went to see Hitman. Nothing like watching a non stop shooting movie to make you feel like a bada$$ and want to be a cool killing agent. I guess I get that from watching non stop old school Bonds growing up.
Then Mr. Pink, Mr. Drake and I hit the bar in Boulder, yes they were open to our surprise, to play some pool and hangout.
All in all, great day. Today is cloudy and a little snowy, a good day to recover from the food.

1 comment:

Yawkey Girl said...

I thought if my shoes were on I wouldn't be blogged... No fair!

Thanks for a wonderful holiday.