Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Inside, Again on a Sunny Day

Yesterday was a hard day, legs were toasty after the run up flagstaff and four mile at above threshold. So today was going to be a nice flat day with a few sprints, nothing bad, just a few hours. But noooooo, it had to be windy, gusting to 50mph. So the trainer is set up, and yet I sit here writing this trying to get these last few minutes of procrastination. Nothing good on TV so it looks like I'll go for a movie.

So if anyone wants to call me here in the next few minutes to prolong this even more, that would be great.


Ross said...


JT said...

Awe, dont listen to him this is the same dude, that missed half the season because of "knee pain", from being shot by a laser beam from outer space or somthing? ;)

Yawkey Girl said...

I always like to watch "Pimp My Ride" when I procrastinate....

Ross said...

even with my laser beam injury, i still smoke you jt! what's your excuse!