Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cubical Life

I walk past the Ritz every day to walk to work from where I park, and yesterday on the walk back to the car I noticed a sweet car parked out front, the Bentley GT Continental.

It got me thinking. I was coming from work, my little cubical haven. Everyone works at some point or another in some sort of cubical hell, just hoping to end up with that car in front of the Ritz. It will never happen, but most people work for that hope that maybe, just maybe one day they can have one.

More than likely for about 99.99% of cubicalites it will never happen. So why do people to it, I guess its the same reason people play the lottery, there is a chance. Yes, I am saying there's a chance. But I would rather have this.

And get this everyday as my cubical.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

i don't think i ever care about driving a car like that either. :) Not even a desire.