Monday, January 22, 2007


Yet again, for the fifth weekend in a row for those counting we got snow. It's putting my friend Norman in some tough times in finding food, but I put out some lettuce for him outside the office to help hold him over.

One of the nice things about the mornings after a snow storm is that the mountains stand out in a new beauty.
And for those still wondering who I am riding for this year, I still don't know. But there is still some good news, I've started my own business. Kendall Performance LLC for my future endeavors in the world of cycling.

1 comment:

Jared W. said...

Looks beautiful out there. There's been snow on the ground here in Lubbock for about a week...though its been nothing like what you're getting up there. I've been walking to class in regular old shoes, no snow shoes here.

Good to see you're keeping busy, buddy. I'll be graduating in May and Lindsay and I will be moving back to DFW. Hopefully I'll at least be doing some USCF racing.

Be safe out on the road.

- Jared