Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My Day

Today was supposed to be a bike and hike day, but halfway though the bike part I got a call from my dentist saying they were ready for round two with some new crowns. So instead of taking in the scenery by foot this afternoon I will once again be in a dentist chair getting poked and prodded, I hope this time is the charm.

So I get in from my ride and grab a bite to eat and turn the TV on and what do I find on ESPN 2 but Scrabble. You've got to be kidding me, they won't show cycling but have no problem showing Scrabble, what's next Monopoly, I at least think that might be more fun to watch than scrabble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the funny thing is that i totally watched that yesterday. i was amused by the simplicity of it all. they show scrabble. pool. tennis. yet no cycling. bastards!!