Saturday, June 10, 2006

It Hit Me Like a Train

It has all caught up to me finally, I am starting to feel the miles on the bike and on the road traveling. The last few days have been training days and it just isn't there right now. The worst thing is that yesterday while climbing up Lookout hard, I had to stop pedaling, there has been some pain in my knees and it brought me to a stop.

I've raced a total of 7 stage/omnium races already to date along with a bunch of one day races, that along with a lot going on in my personal life the last month have hit hard this week, all I feel like doing is sleeping. I am supposed to go to Fort Collins tomorrow morning to do a crit but the way its going I will be backing out of it and just doing a ride in town with Seth (who got 4th in the State TT Championships today).

Tonight will be a night out with some of the guys from MOB Cyclery, maybe it will help get my mind off of a lot of things and get me refocused and ready for Tour de Nez.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Listen to the body and mind , man! Good luck and get some much needed downtime and recovery for the ole knees before Tour de Nez.

Just enjoyed an excellent 3 hr training ride out here in abq and now relaxing with a few nice Dunkelweizen at Kelly's Pub.

Scott M.