Sunday, January 28, 2007

Texas Day 1

Today was just one of those tiring days, but really didn't do much.

Woke up, caught a flight to TX, road the bike a few hours (might I mention on roads and countryside that doesn't have snow everywhere).

I figure since I can now get to ride outside I would sport the Free Sager bands and show my support.
Not much happened in the training aspect today except knocking the cobwebs off of my legs from sitting on a plane, the real training starts tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bike Drool said...

Nice! I'm jealous, as it is about 17 here today. Sunny, but 17, with the windchill hovering around -3. The weather people might be exaggerating because it doesn't seem that bad. But after about an hour or so out there... it's damn cold.