Friday, January 27, 2006

Weather changes faster here than Texas

Yesterday was an interesting ride. I knew a storm was going to be coming through the front range later in the afternoon, so I figured I would get my ride done early in the morning. About 25miles and 3,000ft up Lookout Mtn. the black clouds moved in and began to dump some snow.

The wind kicked up to 40 and gusting even higher. So I decided it was time to turn around and make a run for it back down the mtn and back to the apt. Lets just say descending along the side of a mtn in 40+ gusting winds isn't very fun, you start to fear being literally blown off the side of the mtn. But I made it alright, and by the time I got back to the apt, the storm had passed and it became sunny again, just my luck. Posted by Picasa

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