Monday, April 03, 2006

A Trip Down South

I made in back to CO a little later than expected but its not like I had a whole lot that had to get done this afternoon anyways. Well except study for a stats test that I have tomorrow, which I probably won't have time to study for so I'll just have to wing it.

To recap I headed to Austin, Tejas on Friday. Notice that in the pic there is a double bike carrier; however, try as I might, I can only fit one bike in. Packing tomorrow for Sea Otter will be fun when I have to fit both a mountain and road bike in it.

On Saturday I did a big group ride which turned in to a race with me and another guy nailing it off the front the entire 80 miles. Then on Sunday did a shorter group ride, but with the same result, me and another guy hammering off the front. At least it was some hard quality riding.

While I was out on the bike Sheila spent her day studying.

Then the rest of the time was spent just hanging out and watching movies, and some more studying for Sheila. Notice that in this pic she is sporting a headlamp; we were watching the new Exorcist movie while she did some problems, but it was too dark for her solar powered calculator to work, but with the headlamp, problem solved.

I did a little napping with Jasmine.

Whenever Jas isn't asleep she can be the roughest cat I've ever met, you need to watch were you put you fingers or you might get them bit off

So tomorrow is a regrouping day, time to do laundry and repack then get on the plane early Wednesday morning for California.

Man, I wish I was back in Austin...

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