Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tour of the Gila Stage 1 & 2

Well things aren't going as planned.

First off, I feel like crap. I'm not talking about my form, but I've got some sinus and cough stuff going on. Not good.

I got 17th in the TT on Stage 1. The wind was horrible for us in the afternoon so not my best time and the result shows it.

Today was a 100 mile RR and I finished in the top 20 but with a steep hard climb to the finish not feeling good puts a big anchor on the bike and I lost some time but moved up to 15th overall.

The crappy thing is I know if I felt well the story would be a little different. However, there is nothing you can do about it.

So, not being able to take medicine with the threat of testing I am going to OD on vitamins and hit the sack. Not sure how much longer I will last, but I am going to give it my all everday till I can't.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there big boy.

Anonymous said...

yaggood luck! hang in there. i have exactly the same thing going on right now. been sick for 3 days with a sinus & cough thing. ugggh. i know how you feel. Take care of yourself.
