Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to all.

Now, recapping my last two days. Yesterday started out with a trip to Keystone.

And to Dillon.

While we were there I got set up with the whole ski equipment package (lets see how long it takes me to break them in, or them to break me in, one or the other). Then that afternoon back in Golden, I went on a mtb ride on a trail that is literally right outside my backdoor. On top of Tabletop Mtn. along the trail I came across these mule deer, I think I was more scared of them than they were of me, since I rode by them only 10 yards away and they really didn't even seem like they cared.

Then this morning, I finished putting some of the last touches on the new apt.

The rest of the day was spent on the road bike, just mile and miles of this.
These last few days have let me see just how lucky I really am to be able to pursue my dreams in such a beautiful place as Colorado. Now, only if I could get some friends to hurry up and move here with me so that I am not alone, that would be great too.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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